Dr. Matt Galsky joins the show to discuss pathological complete response rates from the NIAGARA trial. Dr. Xinan Sheng joins the podcast to discuss the update of this trial and impressive pCR rates. Dr. Tanya Dorff discussed results of the STOPCAP trial from ASCO GU 2025, along with new data from TALAPRO-2. Dr. Neeraj Aggarwal joins Tom and Brian for an in-depth look at important data from TALAPRO-2. Silke Gillessen joins Brian and Tom to discuss what to look forward to in prostate, bladder and RCC at ASCO GU 2025. David Braun, MD, PhD joins the show to discuss his Nature paper on a personalized RCC vaccine. Romain Banchereau, PhD, joins the show to discuss and debate this Cancer Cell paper on molecular subtypes in UC. Professor Shankar Siva joins the show to discuss the emerging role of stereotactic body radiotherapy in RCC tumors. Dr. Dorff reviews expectations for GU oncology updates in 2025. Dr. Silke Gillessen is joined by special guests to discuss the top highlights from 2024 in the prostate cancer field. Dr. Matt Galsky joins Brian and Tom to discuss the most impactful data in bladder cancer from 2024. Dr. David McDermott joins the podcast to review the top data from 2024 in the renal cell carcinoma field. Dr. Jim Brugarolas joins the podcast to discuss his talk from IKCS 2024 and the broad topic of resistance to HIF inhibitors. Dan Suzman, Deputy Oncology Director of the FDA, joins the podcast to discuss the Accelerated Approval process. Jonathan Rosenberg joins the podcast to discuss new updates on the phase 3 TROPiCS-04 study. Jakob Kather speaks with Brian and Tom on the use of artificial intelligence in the oncology landscape. Dr. Bishoy Faltas of Weill Cornell Medicine joins us to discuss his work on extrachromosomal DNA in bladder cancer. Dr. Andrew Smith, chair of diagnostic imaging at St. Jude's, joins the podcast to discuss the emerging field of radiomics. Chuck Ryan, MD, joins the podcast to discuss various aspects of AR inhibition in prostate cancer. Brian and Tom are joined by Dr. Chris Sweeney and Rob Jones to discuss the merits of various ARPIs in prostate cancer.